Amazing Health Products…


The Amazing Water

Food Sanitizer

Introducing our brand new life changing product in the Amazing Water Family!

How does it work?

Amazing Food Sanitizer produces active oxygen (O3) which is a strong oxidant. Pesticides, viruses and bacteria are organic compounds. Active oxygen destroys the chemical bonds of organic pesticides through strong oxidation, making them lose their medicinal properties, and at the same time kills various bacteria and viruses.


Only the Highest Quality Home Products For Your Health!

We are committed to creating products for you and your family’s health, our products have life changing benefits. Learn more below.


Introducing The World’s First

Multifunctional Food Sanitizer

The newest addition to the Amazing Water Family, the Amazing Multifunctional Food Sanitizer, is here!

fresh food generation

Sanitize our food?

A recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that lettuce and other leafy green vegetables are the largest source of foodborne illnesses in the U.S. Each year, about 2.2 million people get sick from eating contaminated leafy vegetables – which is approximately 23 percent of the 9.6 million annual cases. Water alone won’t kill the illness-causing pathogens – so consumers need a way to ensure their fruit and vegetables will not make people sick.


The most innovative new appliance in the kitchen is here…

Amazing Water Multifunctional Food Sanitizer - removes harmful toxins, bacteria, viruses and added hormones in food within minutes. Just add water insert either vegetables, fruit, meat or seafood and within minutes the food is sanitized and the residue is discarded, ensuring your food is completely clean and sanitized every time.

“Health is not valued till sickness comes.”

— Thomas Fuller